What's New - 2002 News Archive
  • NPR Show Discusses Hunger in the U.S. [December 2002]
    NPR's The Tavis Smiley Show featured the Food Security Institute's Ashley Sullivan on its December 10 show on 'Helping the Hungry in the U.S.' (Listening requires Apple QuickTime, RealAudio, or Windows Media.)
  • Obese Rhetoric [December 2002]
    J. Larry Brown writes that Doug Besharov's article (Washington Post, December 8) about feeding the poor is strong on opinion but weak in science.
  • Hunger and Food Insecurity in the U.S. on the Rise [November 2002]
    Certain states and households are disproportionately affected by food insecurity and hunger according to the latest Food Security Institute Bulletin. The Bulletin examines the latest food security statistics released by the USDA.
  • A Tribute to Senator Paul Wellstone [October 2002]
    J. Larry Brown writes about Paul Wellstone, a Senator with too little time.
  • The Asset Index: Assessing the Progress of States in Promoting Economic Security and Opportunity [September 2002]
    A new Asset Development Institute report provides the first state-by-state comparative study of key assets that all Americans need to succeed in today's economy. The 39 indicators paint a multi-faceted portrait of the progress that has been made in different regions of the country and in particular states. Read the press release and full report.
  • Updated - “Super waiver” threatens food stamps and other essential federal programs [August 2002]
    The “super waiver” proposal included in the TANF reauthorization bill passed by the House of Representatives would allow states to override nearly all existing provisions in federal law that govern food stamps and other programs impacting low-income families. If adopted, the “super waiver” would allow states to shift large sums from food stamps to other areas, compromising the Food Stamp Program's ability to meet the nutrition needs of low-income individuals and families.

    Read statements in opposition to this proposal endorsed by:

    The American Academy of Pediatrics
    Physicians in all 50 states (see list of all physician endorsers)
    Entertainment Celebrities

    It is important that Senators hear from their constituents about dangers of the “super waiver” provision. For more information on the “super waiver,” see analyses by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

  • Consequences of Hunger and Food Insecurity for Children [June 2002]
    Read the most recent compilation of research that directly links food insecurity to poor health, behavioral, and learning outcomes for children.
  • Brown gives keynote address at the USDA's Children, Youth, and Families at Risk conference [May 2002]
    Read J. Larry Brown's keynote address given May 29th in New Orleans.
  • 'kNOw Hunger' curriculum now available [May 2002]
    kNOw Hunger, a high school curriculum published by the Gerda & Kurt Klein Foundation, is now available online. The curriculum offers a parallel program of community service to enable youth to help end hunger in their communities. Download the free curriculum today!
  • Impact of hunger on health and development [May 2002]
    A new Food Security Institute online resource highlights published articles and other recent research providing direct evidence linking family food hardship to health, behavioral, and other outcomes.
  • Supplementing the Farm Bill - Why the Use of Food Stamp Funds for Dietary Supplements Is Inappropriate [April 2002]
    Adoption of Section 445 of the Farm Bill would permit food stamp recipients to use their food stamps for the purchase or dietary supplements. In his message to Farm Bill Conferees, J. Larry Brown argues against Section 445 and contends that the use of food stamp funds to purchase vitamin supplements could harm the health and well-being of low-income Americans.
  • Center on Hunger and Poverty writes to "Dear Abby" [March 2002]
  • Ending Hunger in America: The Power of College Students to Make a Difference [March 2002]
    J. Larry Brown addressed the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness summit March 2, 2002. Read his keynote speech on mobilizing the power of students to end hunger.
  • Press Release [January 2002]
    Actor Jeff Bridges, Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn, First Ladies Sharon Davis (CA) and Columba Bush (FL), and national and local policymakers, including the Center, gathered from around the country to learn about the impacts of hunger on children, and discuss possible solutions to this national problem. See the January 12 press release.
  • The Promise of Asset Development Policies, Realizing the Promise: Individual Development Accounts [January 2002]
    The Winter 2002 issue of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Communities and Banking magazine features ADI Director Larry W. Beeferman describing the promise and elements of an asset development policy framework.

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