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National Studies

Multi-State Studies

State Studies

Non-U.S. Studies


Index of Recent Studies on Hunger and Emergency Food Demand

National Studies

Empty Shelves: 1998 Survey of U.S. Food Banks. A report by Congressman Tony P. Hall. February 1998.
Food Insufficiency Exists in the United States: Results from the Third National health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANESIII). American Journal of Public Health. March 1998.
Hunger 1997: The Faces and Facts. America's Second Harvest. March 1998.
Snapshots of America's Families - Income and Hardship: Food Concerns and Affordability. The Urban Institute. January 1999.
Parish Social Ministries 1999 Welfare Reform Survey. Catholic Charities USA. March 1999.
Extended Measures of Well-Being: Meeting Basic Needs. U.S. Census Bureau. June 1999.
How Families That Left Welfare Are Doing: A National Picture. The Urban Institute. August 1999.
Current and Former Welfare Recipients: How Do They Differ? The Urban Institute. November 1999.
Homelessness: Programs and the People the Serve. The Urban Institute. February 2000.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities - Key Findings from the National Survey of America's Families. The Urban Institute. February 2000.
Family Economic Well-Being - Findings from the National Survey of America's Families. The Urban Institute. October 2000.
Catholic Charities USA's 1999 Annual Survey. Catholic Charities USA. December 2000.
Families Struggling to Make It in the Workforce: A Post Welfare Report. Children's Defense Fund. December 2000.
Hardship among Children of Immigrants: Findings from the 1999 National Survey of America's Families. The Urban Institute. February 2001.
How Are Families That Left Welfare Doing? A Comparison of Early and Recent Welfare Leavers. The Urban Institute. April 2001.
National Survey on Poverty in America. National Public Radio, Kaiser Family Foundation, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government. May 2001.
Economic Inequality Seen as Rising, Boom Bypasses Poor. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. June 2001.
When Work Just Isn't Enough - Measuring Hardships Faced by Families After Moving From Welfare to Work. Economic Policy Institute. June 2001.
Hardships in America - The Real Story of Working Families. Economic Policy Institute. July 2001.
How Are Families Who Left Welfare Doing Over Time? A Comparison of Two Cohorts of Welfare Leavers. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Economic Policy Review. September 2001.
Hunger in America 2001. America's Second Harvest. November 2001.
The Emergency Food Assistance System - Findings from the Provider Survey. Volume I: Executive Summary. Volume II: Final Report. Volume III: Survey Methodology. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. for the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. October 2002.
What the World Thinks in 2002. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. December 2002.
A Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness in American Cities – 2002. (Annual Report) U.S. Conference of Mayors. December 2002.
Use of Food Pantries by Households With Children Rose During the Late 1990s. FoodReview. Winter 2002.
Choices. America's Second Harvest. Issue Brief No. 1. Winter 2002.
Rural Hunger. America's Second Harvest. Issue Brief No. 2. February 2003.
Hunger: An Emerging Issue - Results and Analysis of Recent National Public Opinion Polling. Alliance to End Hunger. June 2003.
The Emergency Food Assistance System - Findings from the Client Survey. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. July 2003.
Dynamics of Poverty and Food Sufficiency. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. September 2003.
Homelessness and Food Insecurity. C. Gundersen, L. Weinreb, C. Wehler, and D. Hosmer. Journal of Housing Economics. Vol. 12, Issue 3: 250-272. September 2003.
Women's Job Loss and Material Hardship. Institute for Women's Policy Research. October 2003.
Using a Concurrent Events Approach to Understand Social Support and Food Insecurity Among Elders. E. Frongillo, P. Valois, and W.S. Wolfe. Family Economics and Nutrition Review. Vol. 15, No.1: 25-32. December 2003.
Diet and food insufficiency among Hispanic youths: acculturation and socioeconomic factors in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. R. Mazur, G. Marquis, H. Jensen. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 78, Issue 6: 1120-7. December 2003.
A Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness in American Cities – 2003. (Annual Report) U.S. Conference of Mayors. December 2003.
Race, Ethnicity, and Economic Well-Being. The Urban Institute. March 2004.
Trends in Parents' Economic Hardship. The Urban Institute. March 2004.
Maternal Employment and Children's Nutrition: Volume II, Other Nutrition-Related Outcomes. Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. June 2004.
Communities in Crisis: A Survey of Hunger and Homelessness in America. National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness (NSCAHH). February 2005.
Ashiabi, G. (March 2005). Household food insecurity and children's school management. Journal of Children and Poverty. 11(1), 3-17.
Sharkey, J.R., Schoenberg, N.E. (August 2005). Prospective Study of Black-White Differences in Food Insufficiency Among Homebound Elders. Journal of Aging and Health. 17(4), 507-527.


Multi-State Studies

Poverty Amid Plenty: The Unfinished Business of Welfare Reform (includes CA, FL, IL, MA, MI, NJ, OH, PA, TX). NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. April 1999.
Self-Reported Concern About Food Security - Eight States, 1996-1998 (includes KS, LA, MD, MT, PA, SC, VA, MO). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). October 20, 2000.
A Cross-State Examination of Families Leaving Welfare: Findings from the ASPE-Funded Leavers Studies (includes AZ, IL, WA). Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. August 2000 (Revised November 2000).
A Comparison of Demographic Variables, Food/Nutrient Intakes, Level of Food Security, and Food/Nutrient Changes with Intervention Among Food Stamp and Non-Food Stamp Recipients in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Pennsylvania State University, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech University. December 2000.
Initial Synthesis Report of the Findings from ASPE's "Leavers" Grants. The Urban Institute for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. January 2001.
Welfare to What? Part II. National Coalition for the Homeless and the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger & Homelessness. April 2001.
Food Insufficiency and the Use of Food Assistance Programs in the South. Southern Rural Development Center. July 2001.
Food Stamps Out Hunger - Hunger in the West and What Governors and Congress Can Do About It. Northwest Federation of Community Organizations. August 2001.
Welfare Reform: How Do We Define Success? NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. November 2001.
Security Matters: How Instability in Health Insurance Puts U.S. Workers at Risk The Commonwealth Fund. December 2001.
Welfare to Work: What Have We Learned? The Joyce Foundation. April 2002.
How Do Marriage, Cohabitation, and Single Parenthood Affect the Material Hardships of Families with Children? The Urban Institute. July 2002.
The Kids Are Alright? Children's Well-Being and the Rise in Cohabitation. The Urban Institute. July 2002.
HOPE VI Panel Study: Baseline Report. The Urban Institute. September 2002.


State Studies


Private Food Assistance in East Alabama: Issues of Access and Need. Auburn University. December 1999.


Reaching for Independence: A Study of Families That Have Left the Alaska Temporary Assistance Program. Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies, University of Alaska - Anchorage. January 2001.


Hunger 1997: The Faces & Facts – Arizona State Report. America's Second Harvest and the Association of Arizona Food Banks. March 1998.
Arizona Cash Assistance Exit Study. Arizona Department of Economic Security. January 2000.


Risk for Hunger Among Women, by Age; California, 1997. State of California, Department of Health Services, Office of Women's Health. Fall 1999.
A Report on the Impacts of the Implementation of the Five Month Time Limit on General Relief Cash Benefits in Los Angeles County. Shelter Partnership, Inc. April 1999.
From War on Poverty to War on Welfare: The Impact of Welfare Reform on the Lives of Immigrant Women. Equal Rights Advocates' Immigrant Women and Welfare Project. April 1999.
The Impact of Time Limits on General Relief Recipients in Los Angeles County: Survey Findings. UCLA, Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness, and the Institute for the Study of Homelessness and Poverty. April 1999.
Hunger in Sonoma County: A Comprehensive Study of the People Seeking Food Assistance. Redwood Empire Food Bank and the University of California Cooperative Extension. November 1999.
Hunger in Mendocino County: A Comprehensive Study of the People Seeking Food Assistance. Redwood Empire Food Bank and the University of California Cooperative Extension. April 2000.
Breaking Barriers: A Road to Improved Food Access. Sacramento City/County Hunger Commission. August 2000.
Hunger in Lake County: A Comprehensive Study of the People Seeking Food Assistance. Redwood Empire Food Bank and the University of California Cooperative Extension. October 2000.
Hunger in Napa County: A Comprehensive Study of the People Seeking Food Assistance. Redwood Empire Food Bank and the University of California Cooperative Extension. November 2000.
California Women's Health Survey Numbers 11 and 12. California Department of Public Health. Summer 2002.
Food Security and Nutritional Outcomes of Preschool-Age Mexican-American Children. LL Kaiser, HR Melgar-Quinonez, CL Lamp, MC Johns, JM Sutherlin, & JO Harwood. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Vol. 102, No. 7: 924-929. July 2002.
Faces of Hunger: A Study of Emergency Food Recipients. Community Food Bank. Fall 2003.


Evaluation of the Colorado Works Program. Berkeley Planning Associates for the Office of the Colorado State Auditor. November 1999.


Connecticut Post-Time Limit Tracking Study: Three-Month Survey Results. Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation. September 1998.
Connecticut Association for Human Services 1999 Emergency Food Provider Survey. The Connecticut Association for Human Services. May 1999.
Connecticut Association for Human Services 1999 Emergency Food Site User Survey. The Connecticut Association for Human Services. May 1999.
Food Insecurity Among Low-Income Hispanics in Hartford, Connecticut: Implications for Public Health Policy. Human Organization. Fall 2000.
Food Stamps Are Associated with Food Security and Dietary Intake of Inner-City Preschoolers from Hartford, Connecticut. Journal of Nutrition. November 2000.

District of Columbia

The Status of TANF Leavers in the District of Columbia: Final Report. The Urban Institute. January 2001.


After WAGES: Results of the Florida Study. Florida State University. March 1999.


Georgia Welfare Leaver Study Initial Results. Applied Research Center, Georgia State University. December 1999.
Georgia Welfare Leaver Study Initial Results. Applied Research Center, Georgia State University. December 1999.
Life After Welfare: Report of the Georgia Welfare Leavers Study. Applied Research Center, Georgia State University for the Georgia Department of Human Resources. January 2001.


Bring the Harvest Home - Hunger in Idaho and What State Leaders Can Do About It. Idaho Community Action Network and the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations. September 2001.


When Families Leave Welfare Behind - First Survey Findings. Institute for Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Springfield and the School of Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 1999.
Living With Welfare Reform: A Survey of Low-Income Families in Illinois. Work, Welfare and Families and the Chicago Urban League with the Center for Urban Economic Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago. January 2000.
Illinois Study of Former TANF Clients, Final Report. Institute for Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Springfield and the School of Social Work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. August 2000.
Families Hardest Hit: Effects of Welfare Reform on Homeless Families. Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, in collaboration with the National Welfare Monitoring and Advocacy Partnership. September 2000.
Work, Welfare, and Well-Being: An Independent Look at Welfare Reform in Illinois. The University Consortium on Welfare Reform. November 2000.
Food Stamp Survey. Anti-Hunger Action, a collaboration of the Illinois Hunger Coalition and the Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation. December 2000.
Putting Food on the Table After Welfare Reform. Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University. October 2002.


Living on Little: Case Studies of Iowa Families with Very Low Incomes. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. August 2001.
2000 Iowa WIC Survey. Iowa Department of Public Health, Bureau of Nutrition & WIC. October 2001.


Assessing Food Insecurity in Kentucky. University of Kentucky. December 1999.


Welfare Reform: Lessons from Maine. The Maine Center for Economic Policy. March 2002.


1999 Emergency Service Provider Survey. Center for Poverty Solutions. January 2000.
Financial Difficulty in Acquiring Food Among Elderly Disabled Women: Results from the Women's Health and Aging Study. American Journal of Public Health. January 2001.


Hidden Hunger, Fragile Futures. Project Bread and the Center on Hunger and Poverty. November 1998.
How Are They Doing? A Longitudinal Study of Households Leaving Welfare Under Massachusetts Reform. Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance. April 1999.
Food Stamp Participation and Food Security of Households Leaving Welfare. Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance. February 2000.
Is Child Health at Risk While Families Wait for Housing Vouchers?. American Journal of Public Health. August 2001.
Feeding Our Children: A Project Bread Report on Hunger in Massachusetts. Project Bread. February 2002.
Risk and Protective Factors for Adult and Child Hunger Among Low-Income Housed and Homeless Female-Headed Families. American Journal of Public Health. January 2004


Food Pantries and Welfare Reform: Estimating the Effect. Institute for Research on Poverty. Fall 1999.
The Welfare of Children After Welfare Reform: Food Insufficiency and Material Hardship in Post-TANF Welfare Families. Ohio State Law Journal. 1999.
Work, Income and Material Hardship After Welfare Reform. University of Michigan. October 1999; Revised January 2000.
Does it Pay to Move from Welfare to Work? University of Michigan, School of Social Work. Revised April 2002.
Work Trajectories, Income Changes and Food Insufficiency in the Welfare Population. University of Michigan, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. 2003.


Minnesota Food Shelf Use and Socioeconomic Indicators - 1998 and 1999. Wilder Research Center. October 2000.
Working But Still Hungry: A Survey of Food Shelves and On-site Meal Programs in Minnesota. Hunger Solutions Minnesota. July 2001.
Minnesota Milestones 2002: Measures That Matter. Minnesota Planning. April 2002.


The Study of Families Formerly Receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children – Interim Report: 1999 Survey. Midwest Research Institute for the Missouri Department of Social Services. May 1999.
The Use of Community-Based Emergency Assistance Among Kansas City Welfare Leavers. Midwest Research Institute for the Missouri Department of Social Services. August 2000.
Insecurity Among Former AFDC Recipients in Missouri. Midwest Research Institute for the Missouri Department of Social Services. September 2000.
Food Stamps: Declining Access for Missouri's Food-Insecure & Eligible Families. Missouri Association for Social Welfare. May 2000.
Paid But Unaffordable: The Consequences of Energy Poverty in Missouri - and Elsewhere. National Low Income Energy Consortium. June 2004.


The State of Food and Nutrition in Montana. Montana State Advisory Council on Food and Nutrition. December 2002.
The State of Food and Nutrition in Montana. Montana State Advisory Council on Food and Nutrition. 2004.

New Jersey

Statewide Emergency Food and Anti-Hunger Network Statewide Hunger Survey 1998. Statewide Emergency Food and Anti-Hunger Network. Fall 1998.
Current and Former WFNJ Clients: How Are They and Their Children Faring 40 Months Later?. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. January 2002.

New Mexico

New Mexico TANF Longitudinal Study: Survey of Current and Former Welfare Recipients. Maximus. May 2000.
Hunger and Food Insecurity for Families with Children in New Mexico: Results of a Survey of New Mexico Households. New Mexico Voices for Children. November 2002.

New York

New York City Social Indicators 1997: A Tale of Many Cities. Columbia University School of Social Work. February 1999.
Who Feeds the Hungry? Mapping New York City's Emergency Food Providers. Food for Survival, Inc. July 1999.
Who Feeds the Hungry? Mapping New York City's Emergency Food Providers. Food for Survival, Inc. July 1999.
Full Coffers, Empty Plates: Children Go Hungry in a City of Plenty. New York City Coalition Against Hunger. October 1999.
Pulling Ahead, Falling Behind: New York City Social Indicators 1999. Social Indicators Survey Center, Columbia University School of Social Work. January 2001.
From Bad to Worse: World Trade Center Attack Further Accelerates NYC Hunger Growth. New York City Coalition Against Hunger. November 2001.
Changes in Demand for Food Assistance at New York City Emergency Feeding Programs After September 11, 2001. The Food Bank for New York City - Food For Survival. September 2002.
Hunger Among Hidden Victims: 9/11 and Recession Victims Face Increasing Need for Charitable Food. New York City Coalition Against Hunger. November 2002.
The Other 364 Days...Hunger Isn't Just on Thanksgiving: Report on Increasing Demand and Unmet Needs at New York City Soup Kitchens and Food Pantries. New York City Coalition Against Hunger. May 2003.
Syracuse Hunger Project (Report) (Maps). Samaritan Center & Syracuse University. April 2004.
Empty Plates, Empty Pantries: Armies of Compassion Face More Hunger, Fewer Resources. New York City Coalition Against Hunger (NYCCAH): New York, New York. November 2004.

North Carolina

Hunger Today in North Carolina. Fighting Hunger Project. 2000.
Study of Families Leaving Work First in Selected Counties: Results of the First Round of Follow-Up Surveys. Maximus. May 2000.


How Are They Managing? A Six Month Retrospective of Cuyahoga Families Leaving Welfare. Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change, Case Western Reserve University. January 2000.


Oregon Population Survey 1998. Oregon Department of Administrative Services and the Oregon Progress Board. March 1999.
How Many Hungry Oregonians? Measuring Food Insecurity and Hunger. Oregon Center for Public Policy. November 1999.
Hunger and Food Insecurity of Low-Income Households in Oregon. University of Oregon. September 2000.
Oregon Families Who Left Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) or Food Stamps: A Study of Economic and Family Well-being from 1998 to 2000. Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon. January 2001.
Profiles of Poverty and Hunger in Oregon. Oregon Food Bank. October 2002.
The State of Hunger - Annual Statistics for the Oregon Food Bank Network (also includes Clark County, Washington information). Oregon Food Bank. January 2003.


Philabundance Agency Survey on Community Needs. Philabundance. June 1999.

South Carolina

Survey of Former Family Independence Program Clients: Cases Closed During January through March, 1998. South Carolina Department of Social Services. June 1999.
Welfare Leavers and Diverters Research Study - One-Year Follow-Up of Welfare Leavers. South Carolina Department of Social Services. March 2001.
Welfare Leavers and Diverters Research Study - One-Year Follow-Up of Welfare Diverters. South Carolina Department of Social Services. June 2001.

South Dakota

Hunger in South Dakota and What State Leaders Can Do About It. Northwest Federation of Community Organizations (NWFCO). August 2004.


Why People Leave Welfare II: An Expanded Follow-up Study of the Effects of Welfare Reform. Texas Legislative Council. December 1998.


Multiple Impacts of Welfare Reform in Utah: Experiences of Former Long-term Welfare Recipients. Utah Department of Workforce Services. June 2000.


Hunger in Vermont - Report on the 2003 Survey of Vermont Emergency Food Shelves and Community Kitchens. Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity. February 2003.


Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry Users – Who Are They? Virginia Center for Research on Social Welfare Policy. March 1999.
It Takes More Than A Job – The Outlook for Virginians Leaving Welfare. Virginia Center for Research on Social Welfare Policy. March 2000.
Fairfax Welfare Reform Evaluation Study. Center for Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech. May 2000.
Making Ends Meet: Private Food Assistance and the Working Poor. Institute for Research on Poverty. January 2001.


Washington's TANF Single Parent Families After Welfare. Washington State Department of Social and Health Service. 1998.
Major Findings from Washington's Third TANF Exit Survey. Washington State Department of Social and Health Service. November 1999.
A Study of Washington State TANF Leavers and TANF Recipients. Washington State Department of Social and Health Service. March 2000.
2001 - 15th Annual Client Survey. Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inland Northwest. 2001.
Work First Study. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington. January 2001.
Food and Housing Security: 2000-2001. Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington. April 2002.
Coping Strategies and Nutrition Education Needs Among Food Pantry Users. A Hoisington, J Armstrong Shultz, and S Butkus. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Vol. 34, No. 6: 326-333. November - December 2002.
Self-Reported Concern About Food Security Associated with Obesity - Washington, 1995-1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Vol. 52, No. 35: 840-842. September 5, 2003.
Unnoticed, Unaddressed & Unacceptable: Revealing & Attacking Washington's Persistent Hunger Problem. Washington Citizen Action. 2004.

West Virginia

Meeting Necessity: A Statewide Survey of Food Pantries, Clothing Closets, Soup Kitchens, Shelters, Health Care, and Emergency Assistance Providers in West Virginia. West Virginia Economic Justice Project. October 1999.


Risk Indicators for Malnutrition are Associated Inversely with Quality of Life for Participants in Meal Programs for Older Adults. LI Vailas, SA Nitzke, R Becker, and J Gast. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Vol. 98, No. 5: 548-553. May 1998.
Initial Findings on the Impact of Wisconsin Works on Food Security and Employment. Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee. August 1998.
Survey of Those Leaving AFDC or W-2 January to March 1998, Preliminary Report. Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the University of Wisconsin's Survey Research Laboratory. January 1999.
State of Milwaukee's Children Report – 1999. Start Smart Milwaukee! May 1999.
Summary of Findings from the Wisconsin Survey of Food Pantry Clients. University of Wisconsin - Extension Family Living Programs. September 2000.
The State of Hunger and Food Security in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services in cooperation with the Wisconsin Food Security Consortium. December 2001.
Single Mothers and Emergency Food Assistance in the Welfare Reform Era. Institute for Research on Poverty. April 2002.
2002 Pantry Survey. Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee. June 2002.


Wyoming Hunger Study. Northwest Community Action Programs of Wyoming (NOWCAP). November 1998.

Non-U.S. Studies


A Glimpse of Child Hunger in Canada. Applied Research Branch, Strategic Policy, Human Resources Development Canada. October 1998.
A Survey of Food Problems Experienced by Toronto Street Youth. M Antoniades and V Tarasuk. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 89, No. 6: 371-375. November - December 1998.
Characterization of Household Food Insecurity in Quebec: Food and Feelings. AM Hamelin, M Beaudry, and JP Habicht. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 54, No. 1: 119-132. January 2002.
Homeless "squeegee kids": Food Insecurity and Daily Survival. N Dachner and V Tarasuk. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 54: 1039-1049. April 2002.
Food Insecurity of Low-Income Lone Mothers and their Children in Atlantic Canada. L McIntyre, NT Glanville, S Officer, B Anderson, KD Raine, and JB Dayle. Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 96, No. 6: 411-415. November/December 2002.
Do Low-Income Lone Mothers Compromise Their Nutrition to Feed Their Children? L McIntyre, NT Glanville, KD Raine, JB Dayle, B Anderson and N Battaglia. Canadian Medical Association Journal. Vol. 168, No. 6: 686-91. March 2003.
Obesity and hunger among Mexican-Indian migrant children on the US-Mexico border. A Jimenez-Cruz, M Bacardi-Gascon & AA Spindler. International Journal of Obesity. Vol. 27: 740-747. June 2003.
Normén, L., Chan, K., Braitstein, P., Anema, A., Bondy, G., Montaner, J.S.G., Hogg, R.S. (April 2005). Food Insecurity and Hunger are Prevalent among HIV-Positive Individuals in British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Nutrition. 135(4), 820-825.



If you know of additional food security studies not included in these indices, please e-mail us at